At present I stand at crossroads.... and once again it is for Sidharth. When this boy was just two and half years old I had to chose my path... one that led to him and only him and the other that kept me on the track which every one my family, a good section of friends and honestly even a part of me wanted to stay on.. the usual marriage and family......
Anyways that is past.....and the choices have been long made.......but now once again I have to make some choices. Sidharth has been following his routine of behavioural therapy for quite some time now and suddenly I am told that in case he is put in a gluten free casein free diet, he can be cured of his autism. Confusing, for the data available on the net, for and against this theory, is equal.
Changing an entire diet plan, no wheat, no milk or milk products for an eight year old child who loves his fare share of chapattis, cookies and simply can not live without paneer is very tough and if I do not do that, will I be loosing out on a chance to cure my son.
I do not know, I just want the best for him but for now I am confused. I have been postponing this decision for very very long now and now I know it is not possible to postpone it any further. I have to take a decision but what.................